at Santa Marta: Rivalry and vainglory weaken the Church
(Vatican Radio) Rivalry and vainglory are two worms that weaken
the Church; instead we must act in a spirit of humility and harmony, without
seeking our own interests said Pope Francis Monday morning at Mass in Casa
Santa Marta.
Taking a cue from the Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians, the
Pope noted that a bishop’s joy lies in seeing love, unity and harmony in his
Church. "This harmony - he said - is a grace, which the Holy Spirit
creates, but we must do our part, we must do everything to help the Holy Spirit
to create this harmony in the Church". This is why St. Paul calls the
Philippians to do nothing "out of selfishness or out of vainglory" or
"fight against each other, just to be seen, to give themselves the air of
being better than others". "You see – he noted - this is not just
something new to today", but "goes way back".
"And how often in our institutions, in
the Church, in the parish, for example, in schools, do we find that, no?
Rivalry; the need to be seen; vainglory. We see that there are two worms that
eat the fabric of the Church, weakening her. Rivalry and vainglory go against
this harmony, this agreement. Instead of rivalry and vainglory, what does Paul
recommend? ‘Rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves’. He
felt this himself. He qualifies himself as ‘not worthy to be called an
apostle,' the least [among others]. He even strongly humbles himself there.
This was his sentiment: He thought others were superior to him".
The Pope then quoted St. Martin de Porres, a "humble
Dominican friar," whom the Church remembers today: "His spirituality
was in service, because he felt that all the others, even the greatest sinners,
were superior to him. He really felt this". St. Paul then urges everyone
not to look out for his own interests:
"Look for the good of others. Serving
others. But this is the joy of a bishop, when he sees his Church like this: the
same sentiment, the same charity, being in unanimous accord. This is the air
that Jesus wants in the Church. You can have a different opinion, that’s fine,
but always within this air, this atmosphere: humility, charity, without
despising anyone".
Referring to the Gospel of the day, Pope Francis added:
"It’s bad, when we find people who seek their own interests not service, not love, in Church institutions, in dioceses, in parishes. And this is what Jesus says in the Gospel: Do not seek your own interests; do not take the road of seeking repayment. 'Look, I have done this for you, but you have to do this for me’. And, with this parable, of inviting to dinner those who cannot repay you with anything. This is gratuity. When there is harmony in a Church, there is unity, no one seeks his or her own interests, and there is an attitude of gratitude. I do good; I don't strike a deal with good".
"It’s bad, when we find people who seek their own interests not service, not love, in Church institutions, in dioceses, in parishes. And this is what Jesus says in the Gospel: Do not seek your own interests; do not take the road of seeking repayment. 'Look, I have done this for you, but you have to do this for me’. And, with this parable, of inviting to dinner those who cannot repay you with anything. This is gratuity. When there is harmony in a Church, there is unity, no one seeks his or her own interests, and there is an attitude of gratitude. I do good; I don't strike a deal with good".
In conclusion, the Pope invited everyone to examine their
conscience, "what is my parish like ... my community? Does it have this
spirit? What is my institution like? Is this spirit, this sentiment of love,
unanimity, concord, without selfishness or vainglory, of humility, is this
vision that others are superior to us, in our parish, in our community ... and
perhaps we will find that there is something to improve. Now, how can I help to
improve this?
(Emer McCarthy)
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