Thursday of the Fourth Week of Easter
Lectionary: 282

From Paphos, Paul
and his companions
set sail and
arrived at Perga in Pamphylia.
But John left them
and returned to Jerusalem.
They continued on
from Perga and reached Antioch in Pisidia.
On the sabbath they
entered into the synagogue and took their seats.
After the reading
of the law and the prophets,
the synagogue
officials sent word to them,
“My brothers, if
one of you has a word of exhortation
for the people,
please speak.”
So Paul got up,
motioned with his hand, and said,
“Fellow children of
Israel and you others who are God-fearing, listen.
The God of this
people Israel chose our ancestors
and exalted the
people during their sojourn in the land of Egypt.
With uplifted arm
he led them out,
and for about forty
years he put up with them in the desert.
When he had
destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan,
he gave them their
land as an inheritance
at the end of about
four hundred and fifty years.
After these things
he provided judges up to Samuel the prophet.
Then they asked for
a king.
God gave them Saul,
son of Kish,
a man from the
tribe of Benjamin, for forty years.
Then he removed him
and raised up David as their king;
of him he
I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart;
he will carry out my every wish.
From this man’s
descendants God, according to his promise,
has brought to
Israel a savior, Jesus.
John heralded his
coming by proclaiming a baptism of repentance
to all the people
of Israel;
and as John was
completing his course, he would say,
‘What do you
suppose that I am? I am not he.
Behold, one is
coming after me;
I am not worthy to
unfasten the sandals of his feet.’”
R. (2) For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
R. Alleluia.
The favors of the
LORD I will sing forever;
through all
generations my mouth shall proclaim your faithfulness.
For you have said,
“My kindness is established forever”;
in heaven you have
confirmed your faithfulness.
R. For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
R. Alleluia.
“I have found
David, my servant;
with my holy oil I
have anointed him,
That my hand may be
always with him,
and that my arm may
make him strong.”
R. For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
R. Alleluia.
“My faithfulness
and my mercy shall be with him,
and through my name
shall his horn be exalted.
He shall say of me,
‘You are my father,
my God, the Rock,
my savior.’”
R. For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
R. Alleluia.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Jesus Christ, you
are the faithful witness,
the firstborn of
the dead,
you have loved us
and freed us from our sins by your Blood.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
When Jesus had
washed the disciples’ feet, he said to them:
“Amen, amen, I say
to you, no slave is greater than his master
nor any messenger
greater than the one who sent him.
If you understand
this, blessed are you if you do it.
I am not speaking
of all of you.
I know those whom I
have chosen.
But so that the
Scripture might be fulfilled,
The one who ate my food has raised his heel against me.
From now on I am
telling you before it happens,
so that when it
happens you may believe that I AM.
Amen, amen, I say
to you, whoever receives the one I send
receives me, and
whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.”
Meditation: "The
one who receives me"
How do you treat those who cause you grief or harm, especially
those who are close to you in some way? In his last supper discourse, Jesus
addressed the issue of fidelity and disloyalty in relationships. Jesus knew
beforehand that one of his own disciples would betray him. Such knowledge could
have easily led Jesus to distance himself from such a person and to protect
himself from harm's way. Instead, Jesus expresses his love, affection, and
loyalty to those who were his own, even to the one he knew would "stab him
in the back" when he got the opportunity. Jesus used a quotation from
Psalm 4:9 which describes an act of treachery by one's closest friend. In the
culture of Jesus' day, to eat bread with someone was a gesture
of friendship and trust. Jesus extends such friendship to Judas right at the
moment when Judas is conspiring to betray his master. The expression lift
his heel against me reinforces the brute nature of this act of violent
Jesus loved his disciples to the end and proved his faithfulness
to them even to death on the cross. Through his death and resurrection Jesus
opened a new way of relationship and friendship with God. Jesus tells his
disciples that if they accept him they also accept the Father who sent him.
This principle extends to all who belong to Christ and who speak in his name. To
accept the Lord's messenger is to accept Jesus himself. The great honor and the
great responsibility a Christian has is to stand in the world for Jesus Christ.
As his disciples and ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20), we are called to speak
for him and to act on his behalf. Are you ready to stand for Jesus at the
cross of humiliation, rejection, opposition, and suffering?
"Eternal God, who are the light of the minds that know you,
the joy of the hearts that love you, and the strength of the wills that serve
you; grant us so to know you, that we may truly love you, and so to love you
that we may fully serve you, whom to serve is perfect freedom, in Jesus our
Lord." (Prayer of Saint Augustine)
Easter Weekday
(Acts 13:13-25; Psalm 89)

KEY VERSE: "No slave is greater than his
master nor any messenger greater than the one who sent him" (v 16).
TO READ: Chapter one through twelve of John's
gospel is called the "Book of Signs." Chapter thirteen begins the
"Book of Glory" (13:1--20:31). On the threshold of Jesus' passion,
resurrection and glorious ascension, he took the role of a lowly slave, washing
the feet of his disciples (v 1-15). He told his followers that as servants and
messengers of the gospel (Greek, apostolos), they must
imitate his humility and love: "You also should do as I have done to
you" (13:15). A disciple was one who learned from the master, and acted on
his words. If his followers truly understood this, they would be blessed, and
all who received Jesus' messengers would be blessed in turn. But Jesus' words
were not received by all. In the midst of this outpouring of love at the table
of the Last Supper, Judas prepared to betray his master.
TO REFLECT: How have I served the Lord and his
people today?
TO RESPOND: Risen Lord, help me to understand that
the way to glory is through humble service.
Optional Memorial of Pius V, pope
Upon his ascension to the papacy, Pius V faced the task of
enacting the reforms of the Council of Trent. New seminaries were opened, a new
breviary, new missal, and new catechism were published, and foundations were
established to spread the faith and preserve the doctrine of the Church. Pius
spent much time personally working with the needy. He built hospitals and used
the papal treasury to care for the poor. At the time of his death he was
working on a Christian, European alliance to break the power of the Islamic
Thursday 30 April 2015
St Pius V.
Acts 13:13-25. For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord—Ps 88(89):2-3,
21-22, 25, 27. John 13:16-20.
‘You who fear God, listen!’
Invited to speak some words
of encouragement to the congregation at Antioch, Paul talks of the faithfulness
of God to his promises. God has looked after his people through a long
history—freeing them from slavery, giving them their own land, sending them a
series of messengers to remind them of his love. The last and greatest of these
messengers is his own Son. But not all were prepared to receive so great a
We, too, need to
acknowledge our sinfulness—to repent—if we are to be ready for his coming into
our hearts. Father, help us to be faithful to our promises to you. Help us to
realise that as we welcome Jesus we are welcoming you. May we see in others
your own Son, and welcome and serve them as he did.
There is nothing better that you can do in this world than to
totally give yourself to God in the person of the poor and our needy brother.
–Blessed Dulce Lopes Pontes
St. Pius V
This is the pope whose job was to implement the historic Council
of Trent. If we think popes had difficulties in implementing Vatican Council
II, Pius V had even greater problems after Trent than four centuries
his papacy (1566-1572), Pius V was faced with the almost overwhelming
responsibility of getting a shattered and scattered Church back on its feet.
The family of God had been shaken by corruption, by the Reformation, by the
constant threat of Turkish invasion and by the bloody bickering of the young
nation-states. In 1545 a previous pope convened the Council of Trent in an
attempt to deal with all these pressing problems. Off and on over 18 years, the
Church Fathers discussed, condemned, affirmed and decided upon a course of
action. The Council closed in 1563.
Pius V
was elected in 1566 and was charged with the task of implementing the sweeping
reforms called for by the Council. He ordered the founding of seminaries for
the proper training of priests. He published a new missal, a new breviary, a
new catechism and established the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)
classes for the young. Pius zealously enforced legislation against abuses in
the Church. He patiently served the sick and the poor by building hospitals,
providing food for the hungry and giving money customarily used for the papal
banquets to poor Roman converts. His decision to keep wearing his Dominican
habit led to the custom of the pope wearing a white cassock.
striving to reform both Church and state, Pius encountered vehement opposition
from England's Queen Elizabeth and the Roman Emperor Maximilian II. Problems in
France and in the Netherlands also hindered Pius's hopes for a Europe united
against the Turks. Only at the last minute was he able to organize a fleet
which won a decisive victory in the Gulf of Lepanto, off Greece, on October 7,
ceaseless papal quest for a renewal of the Church was grounded in his personal
life as a Dominican friar. He spent long hours with his God in prayer, fasted
rigorously, deprived himself of many customary papal luxuries and faithfully
observed the spirit of the Dominican Rule that he had professed.
In their personal lives and in their actions as popes, Pius V and
Blessed Paul VI (d. 1978) both led the family of God in the process of
interiorizing and implementing the new birth called for by the Spirit in major
Councils. With zeal and patience, Pius and Paul pursued the changes urged by
the Council Fathers. Like Pius and Paul, we too are called to constant change
of heart and life.
"In this universal assembly, in this privileged point of time
and space, there converge together the past, the present, and the future. The
past: for here, gathered in this spot, we have the Church of Christ with her
tradition, her history, her councils, her doctors, her saints; the present: we
are taking leave of one another to go out toward the world of today with its
miseries, its sufferings, its sins, but also with its prodigious
accomplishments, values, and virtues; and the future is here in the urgent
appeal of the peoples of the world for more justice, in their will for peace,
in their conscious or unconscious thirst for a higher life, that life precisely
which the Church of Christ can give and wishes to give to them" (from Pope
Paul's closing message at Vatican II).
JOHN 13,16-20
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Easter Time
All-powerful God,
your Son Jesus reminds us today
that we are no greater than your and our servant,
Jesus, our Lord and master.
Give us the love and endurance
to serve you and people
without waiting for awards or gratitude
and to accept the difficulties and contradictions
which are part of the Christian life
and which are normal for followers
of him who bore the cross for us,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus said to his disciples: 'In all truth I tell you, no
servant is greater than his master, no messenger is greater than the one who
sent him. 'Now that you know this, blessed are you if you behave accordingly. I
am not speaking about all of you: I know the ones I have chosen; but what
scripture says must be fulfilled: 'He who shares my table takes advantage of
me. I tell you this now, before it happens, so that when it does happen you may
believe that I am He. In all truth I tell you, whoever welcomes the one I send,
welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me.'
• Beginning today, April 17th until the 8th of May, every day,
except on feast days, the Gospel of each day is taken from the long
conversation of Jesus with the disciples during the Last Supper (Jn 13 to 17).
In these five chapters which describe the farewell of Jesus, the presence of
those three threads of which we had spoken before, is perceived, those threads
which knit and compose the Gospel of John: the word of Jesus, the word of the
community and the word of the Evangelist who writes the last redaction of the
Fourth Gospel. In these chapters, the three threads are intertwined in such a
way that the whole is presented as a unique fabric or cloth of a rare beauty
and inspiration, where it is difficult to distinguish what is from one and what
is from the other, but where everything is the Word of God for us.
• These five chapters present the conversation which Jesus had
with his friends, the evening when he was arrested and was put to death. It was
a friendly conversation, which remained in the memory of the Beloved Disciple.
Jesus seems to want to prolong to the maximum this last encounter, this moment
of great intimacy. The same thing happens today. There is conversation and
conversation. There is the superficial conversation which uses words and words
and reveals the emptiness of the person. And there is the conversation which
goes to the depth of the heart and remains in the memory. All of us, once in a
while, have these moments of friendly living together, which expand the heart
and constitute the force in moments of difficulty. They help to trust and to
overcome fear.
• The five verses of today’s Gospel draw two conclusions from
the washing of the feet (Jn 13, 1-15). They speak (a) of service as the
principal characteristic of the followers of Jesus, and (b) of the identity of
Jesus, the revelation of the Father.
• John 13, 16-17: The servant is not greater than his master.
Jesus has just finished washing the feet of the disciples. Peter becomes afraid
and does not want Jesus to wash his feet. “If I do not wash you, you can have
no share with me” (Jn 13, 8). And it is enough to wash the feet; there is no
need to wash the rest (Jn 13, 10). The symbolical value of the gesture of the
washing of the feet consists in accepting Jesus as Messiah, Servant, who gives
himself for others, and to reject a Messiah, glorious king. This gift of self,
servant of all is the key to understand the gesture of the washing of the feet.
To understand this is the root of the happiness of a person: “Knowing these
things, you will be blessed if you put them into practice”. But there were some
persons, even among the disciples, who did not accept Jesus, Messiah, Servant.
They did not want to be the servants of others. Probably, they wanted a
glorious Messiah, King and Judge, according to the official ideology. Jesus
says: “I am not speaking about all of you; I know the ones I have chosen; but
what Scripture says must be fulfilled: He who shares my table takes advantage
of me!” John refers to Judas, whose betrayal will be announced immediately
after (Jn 13, 21-30).
• John 13, 18-20: I tell you this now, before it happens, so
that you may believe that I AM HE. It was on the occasion of the liberation
from Egypt at the foot of Mount Sinai that God revealed his name to Moses: “I
am with you!” (Ex 3, 12), “I am who I am” (Ex 3, 14). “I Am” or “I AM” has sent
me to you!” (Ex 3, 14). The name Yahweh (Ex 3, 15) expresses the absolute
certainty of the liberating presence of God at the side of his people. In many
ways and on may occasions this same expression I Am is used by Jesus (Jn 8, 24;
8, 28; 8, 58; Jn 6, 20; 18, 5.8; Mk 14, 62; Lk 22, 70). Jesus is the presence
of the liberating face of God in our midst.
• The servant is not greater than his master. How do I make of
my life a permanent service of others?
• Jesus knew how to live together with persons who did not
accept him. And I?
I shall sing the faithful love of Yahweh for ever,
from age to age my lips shall declare your constancy,
for you have said: love is built to last for ever,
you have fixed your constancy firm in the heavens. (Sal 89,1-2)