Friday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
There is an appointed time for everything,
and a time for every thing under the heavens.
A time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant.
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to tear down, and a time to build.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them;
a time to embrace, and a time to be far from embraces.
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away.
A time to rend, and a time to sew;
a time to be silent, and a time to speak.
A time to love, and a time to hate;
a time of war, and a time of peace.
What advantage has the worker from his toil?
I have considered the task that God has appointed
for the sons of men to be busied about.
He has made everything appropriate to its time,
and has put the timeless into their hearts,
without man's ever discovering,
from beginning to end, the work which God has done.
and a time for every thing under the heavens.
A time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant.
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to tear down, and a time to build.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them;
a time to embrace, and a time to be far from embraces.
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away.
A time to rend, and a time to sew;
a time to be silent, and a time to speak.
A time to love, and a time to hate;
a time of war, and a time of peace.
What advantage has the worker from his toil?
I have considered the task that God has appointed
for the sons of men to be busied about.
He has made everything appropriate to its time,
and has put the timeless into their hearts,
without man's ever discovering,
from beginning to end, the work which God has done.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 144:1b And 2abc, 3-4
R. (1) Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!
Blessed be the LORD, my rock,
my mercy and my fortress,
my stronghold, my deliverer,
My shield, in whom I trust.
R. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!
LORD, what is man, that you notice him;
the son of man, that you take thought of him?
Man is like a breath;
his days, like a passing shadow.
R. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!
Blessed be the LORD, my rock,
my mercy and my fortress,
my stronghold, my deliverer,
My shield, in whom I trust.
R. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!
LORD, what is man, that you notice him;
the son of man, that you take thought of him?
Man is like a breath;
his days, like a passing shadow.
R. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!
Gospel Lk 9:18-22
Once when Jesus was praying in solitude,
and the disciples were with him,
he asked them, "Who do the crowds say that I am?"
They said in reply, "John the Baptist; others, Elijah;
still others, 'One of the ancient prophets has arisen.'"
Then he said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"
Peter said in reply, "The Christ of God."
He rebuked them and directed them not to tell this to anyone.
He said, "The Son of Man must suffer greatly
and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes,
and be killed and on the third day be raised."
and the disciples were with him,
he asked them, "Who do the crowds say that I am?"
They said in reply, "John the Baptist; others, Elijah;
still others, 'One of the ancient prophets has arisen.'"
Then he said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"
Peter said in reply, "The Christ of God."
He rebuked them and directed them not to tell this to anyone.
He said, "The Son of Man must suffer greatly
and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes,
and be killed and on the third day be raised."
Meditation: "Who do you say that Jesus is?"
Who is Jesus for you – and what difference does he make in
your life? Many in Why did Jesus command his disciples to be silent about his identity as the anointed Son of God? They were, afterall, appointed to proclaim the good news to everyone. Jesus knew that they did not yet fully understand his mission and how he would accomplish it. Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD), an early chuch father, explains the reason for this silence:
There were things
yet unfulfilled which must also be included in their preaching about him. They
must also proclaim the cross, the passion, and the death in the flesh. They
must preach the resurrection of the dead, that great and truly glorious sign by
which testimony is borne him that the Emmanuel is truly God and by nature the
Son of God the Father. He utterly abolished death and wiped out destruction. He
robbed hell, and overthrew the tyranny of the enemy. He took away the sin of
the world, opened the gates above to the dwellers upon earth, and united earth
to heaven. These things proved him to be, as I said, in truth God. He commanded
them, therefore, to guard the mystery by a seasonable silence until the whole plan
of the dispensation should arrive at a suitable conclusion. (Commentary on Luke, Homily 49)
told his disciples that it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and die in
order that God's work of redemption might be accomplished. How startled the
disciples were when they heard this word. How different are God's thoughts and
ways from our thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:8). Through humiliation, suffering,
and death on the cross Jesus broke the powers of sin and death and won for us
eternal life and freedom from the slavery of sin and from the oppression of our
enemy, Satan, the father of lies and the deceiver of humankind.
If we want to share in the
victory of the Lord Jesus, then we must also take up our cross and follow where
he leads us. What is the "cross" that you and I must take up each
day? When my will crosses with God's will, then his will must be done. To know
Jesus Christ is to know the power of his victory on the cross where he defeated
sin and conquered death through his resurrection. The Holy Spirit gives each of
us the gifts and strenth we need to live as sons and daughters of God. The Holy
Spirit gives us faith to know the Lord Jesus personally as
our Redeemer, and the power to live the gospel faithfully, and the courage to witness to others the joy, truth,
and freedom of the gospel. Who do you say that Jesus is?"Lord Jesus, I believe and I profess that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Take my life, my will, and all that I have, that I may be wholly yours now and forever."
The Mistaken Messiah |
Friday of the Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Father Barry O’Toole, LC Listen to podcast version here. Once when Jesus was praying in solitude, and the disciples were with him, he asked them, "Who do the crowds say that I am?" They said in reply, "John the Baptist; others, Elijah; still others, ´One of the ancient prophets has arisen.´" Then he said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Peter said in reply, "The Messiah of God." But he gave them strict orders and charged them not to say this to anyone. He said, "The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised." Introductory Prayer:Lord, you are the author of life and the giver of all that is good. You are the Prince of Peace and my mainstay. You are my healer and the cure itself. I need you, and I need to give you. I love you and commit myself to you entirely, knowing you could never let me down or deceive me. Thank you for giving me your very self. Petition: Lord Jesus, grant me the courage to bear witness to you as the Messiah. 1. “According to the Latest Poll…” Frequently we hear in the news opinion polls concerning certain topics, people or events. There is nothing novel about that. But when Christ himself polls popular opinion by asking, “Who do the crowds say that I am?”, he isn’t interested in his public rating. If this were his motive he would have become very discouraged, because the public opinion was so far from the truth. “What do you mean, John the Baptist?” –– there is quite a difference between the bridegroom and the best man at the wedding feast. Other’s opinions stray even farther. What matters in life is not what others think or say about us. The only opinion that matters is God’s: what he thinks about us and what we do. Lord, not everyone knows you. We live in a generation that seeks more signs. Send us your gift of faith so that we might truly believe and thus be saved. 2. Personal Convictions: Jesus had three short years to shed his blood for our redemption and found his Church. In founding the Church he had to transform some rough fishermen. He had to bring them to believe firmly his divinity and mission so that they would continue the work of salvation after his death. Jesus had just spent some time in prayer, and he knew from where the transformation would come. Just how much had his disciples managed to open their hearts to the Father’s work? “Who do you say that I am?” Peter rises to the occasion. He couldn’t have said it more concisely and exactly: “The Messiah of God.” How about me? Who is Jesus for me? Is he truly my Messiah and Redeemer? Do I preach this truth to others by the way I live and the words I speak? I want to be a more ardent apostle of your Kingdom, Lord. Give me convincing words and actions so that others might come to recognize you as the Messiah of God. 3. The Pharisees Got It Wrong: So that there would be no mistake as to the meaning of Peter’s confession of faith, Jesus decided to define the term. ‘Messiah’ means… “the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised." The Pharisees misunderstood the figure of the Messiah. They thought the Messiah would deliver them from Roman occupation. They had not understood that slavery to Conversation with Christ:Lord, I fear that cross with every fiber of my being, but let your will –– and not mine –– be done. I know that if you are with me, everything will work out in the end. I want to be a better apostle of your kingdom. Resolution: Despite the opposition I may encounter, I will try to make every encounter with others today an occasion to share my faith with them and bring them closer to God. |
my Rock! the be Blessed
I tell myself how easy it would have been to believe if I had seen you at work. How wrong I am! Even-the people who were with you, who witnessed your miracles, who heard your voice and saw your face, could not agree about who you really were. Not even Peter understood fully your mission from the Father, the real reason for your coming.
Lord, may I never be satisfied with simple answers to ‘Who do you say I am?’ As soon as I think I have the answer, I can be sure that I’m wrong, because no words, however many or however learned, can sum you up. You call me to keep searching for the real you, to keep listening for what you say of yourself.
When you first begin, you will
find only darkness, and as it were a cloud of unknowing. You do not know what
this means except that in your will you feel a simple steadfast intention
reaching out towards God. Do what you will, this darkness and this cloud remain
between you and God, and stop you both from seeing him in the clear light of
rational understanding and from experiencing his loving sweetness in your
affection. Reconcile yourself to wait in this darkness as long as is necessary,
but still go on longing after him whom you love. For if you are to feel him or
see him in this life, it must always be in this cloud, in this darkness. And if
you work hard at what I tell you, I believe that through God's mercy you will achieve
this very thing.
- The Cloud of Unknowing
All my
nothingness is drowned in the sea of your mercy. With the confidence of a
child, I throw myself into your arms, O Father of mercy, to make up for the
unbelief of so many souls who are afraid to trust in you. —St. Faustina
— from
Firmly On the Rock
September 28
St. Wenceslaus
St. Wenceslaus
![]() |
St.Wenceslaus |
If saints have been falsely
characterized as "other worldly," the life of Wenceslaus stands as an
example to the contrary: He stood for Christian values in the midst of the
political intrigues which characterized 10th-century Bohemia .
He was
born in 907 near His rule was marked by efforts toward unification within
Although his death resulted primarily from political upheaval, Wenceslaus was hailed as a martyr for the faith, and his tomb became a pilgrimage shrine. He is hailed as the patron of the Bohemian people and of former
"Good King Wenceslaus" was able to incarnate his Christianity in a world filled with political unrest. While we are often victims of violence of a different sort, we can easily identify with his struggle to bring harmony to society. The call to become involved in social change and in political activity is addressed to Christians; the values of the gospel are sorely needed today.
"Good King Wenceslaus" was able to incarnate his Christianity in a world filled with political unrest. While we are often victims of violence of a different sort, we can easily identify with his struggle to bring harmony to society. The call to become involved in social change and in political activity is addressed to Christians; the values of the gospel are sorely needed today.
"While recognizing the autonomy of the reality of politics, Christians who are invited to take up political activity should try to make their choices consistent with the gospel and, in the framework of a legitimate plurality, to give both personal and collective witness to the seriousness of their faith by effective and disinterested service of men" (Pope Paul VI, A Call to Action, 46).
"While recognizing the autonomy of the reality of politics, Christians who are invited to take up political activity should try to make their choices consistent with the gospel and, in the framework of a legitimate plurality, to give both personal and collective witness to the seriousness of their faith by effective and disinterested service of men" (Pope Paul VI, A Call to Action, 46).
Saint of:
Lorenzo Ruiz*
September 28
By: Pope John Paul II
By: Pope John Paul II
Lorenzo Ruiz
is the first Filipino saint. He is also the first Filipino martyred for the
Christian Faith. Lorenzo Ruiz was a layman, married, and had two sons and a
daughter. Born in Binondo, Manila ,
about 1600's, he was educated in the school of the Dominicans there. He served
as an altar boy and later was a helper and clerk-sacristan in the church of Binondo . He was a member of the
Confraternity of the Rosary. He made his living probably as a calligrapher, one
who renders documents in beautiful penmanship for private or official use. To
be sure, that work denoted an accomplished and educated person, especially at a
time when many an illustrious personage were far from excelling in this art. An
adverse event made him leave the Philippines in 1636. When he was in
his late twenties or early thirties, he became involved or was accused of being
involved in a criminal case, the circumstances of which are far from clear.
Whether he was involved or not, one thing was clear, he was afraid that, as a
consequence of a trial or mistrial, he might be given a death sentence. Upon
landing in Japan
where Christians were being persecuted, he was arrested and imprisoned together
with his companions. He underwent inhuman tortures and valiantly confessed his
Christian Faith. Refusing to renounce his Faith, he told his executioner that
he was ready to die for God and give himself for many thousands of lives if he
had them. On September 27, 1637, he was hung from a gallows by his feet, his
body falling into a pit. After two days of agony, he died of bleeding and
suffocation. His body was cremated and the ashes thrown into the sea. He and
fifteen companions, martyred in the same persecution, were beatified by Pope
John Paul II in Manila on February 18, 1981 and
elevated to full honors of the altar by canonization on October 18, 1987 in Rome . Their feast day is
on September 28th.
Lorenzo Ruiz or Saint Lawrence Ruiz of Manila (ca. 1600 – 29 September 1637), also
known as Laurentius Ruiz de
Manila or San Lorenzo
Ruiz de Manila.
LECTIO: LUKE 9,18-22
Friday, September 28,
Ordinary Time
1) Opening prayer
guide us, as you guide creation
according to your law of love.
May we love one another
and come to perfection
in the eternal life prepared for us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
guide us, as you guide creation
according to your law of love.
May we love one another
and come to perfection
in the eternal life prepared for us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
2) Gospel Reading - Luke 9,18-22
Now it happened that Jesus was praying alone,
and his disciples came to him and he put this question to them, ‘Who do the
crowds say I am?’
And they answered, ‘Some say John the Baptist; others Elijah; others again one of the ancient prophets come back to life.’
‘But you,’ he said to them, ‘who do you say I am?’ It was Peter who spoke up. ‘The Christ of God,’ he said.
But he gave them strict orders and charged them not to say this to anyone. He said, ‘The Son of man is destined to suffer grievously, to be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes and to be put to death, and to be raised up on the third day.’
And they answered, ‘Some say John the Baptist; others Elijah; others again one of the ancient prophets come back to life.’
‘But you,’ he said to them, ‘who do you say I am?’ It was Peter who spoke up. ‘The Christ of God,’ he said.
But he gave them strict orders and charged them not to say this to anyone. He said, ‘The Son of man is destined to suffer grievously, to be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes and to be put to death, and to be raised up on the third day.’
3) Reflection
• The Gospel today follows the same theme as
that of Yesterday: the opinion of the people on Jesus. Yesterday, beginning
with Herod, today it is Jesus who asks what do people think, the public opinion
and the Apostles respond giving the same opinion which was given yesterday.
Immediately follows the first announcement of the Passion, death and
Resurrection of Jesus.
• Luke 9, 18: The question of Jesus after his prayer. “One day, while Jesus was praying alone, his disciples came to him and he put this question to them: “Who do the crowds say I am?” In Luke’s Gospel, on several important and decisive occasions, Jesus is presented in prayer: in his Baptism when he assumes his mission (Lk 3, 21); in the 40 days in the desert, when, he overcame the temptations presented by the devil Lk 4, 1-13); the night before choosing the twelve apostles (Lk 6, 12); in the Transfiguration, when, with Moses and Elijah he spoke about his passion in Jerusalem (Lc 9, 29); in the Garden when he suffers his agony (Lk 22, 39-46); on the Cross, when he asks pardon for the soldier (Lk 23, 34) and when he commits his spirit to God (Lk 23, 46).
• Luke 9, 19: The opinion of the people on Jesus. “They answered: “For some John the Baptist; others Elijah, but others think that you are one of the ancient prophets who has risen from the dead”. Like Herod, many thought that John the Baptist had risen in Jesus. It was a common belief that the prophet Elijah had to return (Mt 17, 10-13; Mk 9, 11-12; Ml 3, 23-24; Eclo 48, 10). And all nourished the hope of the coming of the Prophet promised by Moses (Dt 18,15). This was an insufficient response.
• Luke 9, 20: The question of Jesus to the disciples. After having heard the opinion of others, Jesus asks: “And you, who do you say I am?” Peter answers: “The Messiah of God!” Peter recognizes that Jesus is the one whom the people are waiting for and that he comes to fulfil the promise. Luke omits the reaction of Peter who tries to dissuade Jesus to follow the way of the cross and omits also the harsh criticism of Jesus to Peter (Mk 8, 32-33; Mt 16, 22-23).
• Luke 9, 21: The prohibition to reveal that Jesus is the Messiah of God. “Then Jesus gave them strict orders and charged them not to say this to anyone”. It was forbidden to them to reveal to the people that Jesus is the Messiah of God. Why does Jesus prohibit this? At that time, as we have already seen, everybody was expecting the coming of the Messiah, but, each one in his own way: some expected a king, others a priest, others a doctor, a warrior, a judge or a prophet! Nobody seemed to expect the Messiah Servant, announced by Isaiah (Is 42, 1-9). Anyone who insists in maintaining Peter’s idea, that is, of a glorious Messiah, without the cross, understands nothing and will never be able to assume the attitude of a true disciple. He will continue to be blind, exchanging people for trees (cf. Mk 8, 24). Because without the cross it is impossible to understand who Jesus is and what it means to follow Jesus. Because of this, Jesus insists again on the Cross and makes the second announcement of his passion, death and resurrection.
• Luke 9, 22: The second announcement of the Passion. And Jesus adds: “The Son of Man is destined to suffer grievously, to be rejected by the elders and chief priests and Scribes and to be put to death, and to be raised up on the third day”. The full understanding of the following of Jesus is not obtained through theoretical instruction, but through practical commitment, walking together with him along the road of service, from Galilee up toJerusalem .
The road of the following is the road of the gift of self, of abandonment, of
service, of availability, of acceptance of conflict, knowing that there will be
a resurrection. The cross is not an accident on the way; it forms part of our
way. This because in the organized world starting from egoism, love and service
can exist only if they are crucified! Anyone who makes of his life a service to
others disturbs those who live attached to privileges, and suffers.
• Luke 9, 18: The question of Jesus after his prayer. “One day, while Jesus was praying alone, his disciples came to him and he put this question to them: “Who do the crowds say I am?” In Luke’s Gospel, on several important and decisive occasions, Jesus is presented in prayer: in his Baptism when he assumes his mission (Lk 3, 21); in the 40 days in the desert, when, he overcame the temptations presented by the devil Lk 4, 1-13); the night before choosing the twelve apostles (Lk 6, 12); in the Transfiguration, when, with Moses and Elijah he spoke about his passion in Jerusalem (Lc 9, 29); in the Garden when he suffers his agony (Lk 22, 39-46); on the Cross, when he asks pardon for the soldier (Lk 23, 34) and when he commits his spirit to God (Lk 23, 46).
• Luke 9, 19: The opinion of the people on Jesus. “They answered: “For some John the Baptist; others Elijah, but others think that you are one of the ancient prophets who has risen from the dead”. Like Herod, many thought that John the Baptist had risen in Jesus. It was a common belief that the prophet Elijah had to return (Mt 17, 10-13; Mk 9, 11-12; Ml 3, 23-24; Eclo 48, 10). And all nourished the hope of the coming of the Prophet promised by Moses (Dt 18,15). This was an insufficient response.
• Luke 9, 20: The question of Jesus to the disciples. After having heard the opinion of others, Jesus asks: “And you, who do you say I am?” Peter answers: “The Messiah of God!” Peter recognizes that Jesus is the one whom the people are waiting for and that he comes to fulfil the promise. Luke omits the reaction of Peter who tries to dissuade Jesus to follow the way of the cross and omits also the harsh criticism of Jesus to Peter (Mk 8, 32-33; Mt 16, 22-23).
• Luke 9, 21: The prohibition to reveal that Jesus is the Messiah of God. “Then Jesus gave them strict orders and charged them not to say this to anyone”. It was forbidden to them to reveal to the people that Jesus is the Messiah of God. Why does Jesus prohibit this? At that time, as we have already seen, everybody was expecting the coming of the Messiah, but, each one in his own way: some expected a king, others a priest, others a doctor, a warrior, a judge or a prophet! Nobody seemed to expect the Messiah Servant, announced by Isaiah (Is 42, 1-9). Anyone who insists in maintaining Peter’s idea, that is, of a glorious Messiah, without the cross, understands nothing and will never be able to assume the attitude of a true disciple. He will continue to be blind, exchanging people for trees (cf. Mk 8, 24). Because without the cross it is impossible to understand who Jesus is and what it means to follow Jesus. Because of this, Jesus insists again on the Cross and makes the second announcement of his passion, death and resurrection.
• Luke 9, 22: The second announcement of the Passion. And Jesus adds: “The Son of Man is destined to suffer grievously, to be rejected by the elders and chief priests and Scribes and to be put to death, and to be raised up on the third day”. The full understanding of the following of Jesus is not obtained through theoretical instruction, but through practical commitment, walking together with him along the road of service, from Galilee up to
4) Personal questions
• We all believe in Jesus. But there are some
who understand him in one way and others in another way. Today, which is the
more common Jesus in the way of thinking of people?
• How does propaganda interfere in my way of seeing Jesus? What do I do so as not to allow myself to be drawn by the propaganda? What prevents us today from recognizing and assuming the project of Jesus?
• How does propaganda interfere in my way of seeing Jesus? What do I do so as not to allow myself to be drawn by the propaganda? What prevents us today from recognizing and assuming the project of Jesus?
5) Concluding Prayer
Blessed be Yahweh, my rock,
who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle,
my faithful love, my bastion, my citadel, my Saviour;
I shelter behind him. (Ps 144,1-2)
who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle,
my faithful love, my bastion, my citadel, my Saviour;
I shelter behind him. (Ps 144,1-2)
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