Pope Francis: "The Christian
life is not an 'I like' but an 'I give' "
Pope Francis arriving at the Shrine of St Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo. (Vatican Media) |
Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Saturday in the square
outside of the Shrine of St Pio of Pietrelcina on the occasion of his pastoral
visit to San Giovanni Rotondo.
By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp
Pope Francis chose three words from the biblical texts
proclaimed during Saturday’s liturgy and expanded on them in his homily. These
words are: prayer, littleness, and wisdom.
The Gospel text from Matthew 11:25 presents Jesus praying.
“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth.” Pope Francis describes his
prayer as one that flowed spontaneously and was not optional. The
Lord regularly went off by himself in solitary places to pray because “dialogue
with the Father was a priority.”
Jesus’ disciples asked the Lord to teach them how to pray
(Lk 11:1) because they saw that his prayer was natural and important for him.
The Pope tells us, “If we want to imitate Jesus, we can also begin where
he began, that is, from prayer.”
This leads the Pope to ask a question: “Do we Christians
pray enough?” Instead of making so many excuses and forgetting “the better
part” (Lk 10:42), we should remember that without the Lord we can do nothing
(cf Jn 15:5). Pope Francis reminds us that Padre Pio used to recommend: “Pray
often, my children, pray always, never get tired of praying” (words from the
Second International Congress of the Prayer Groups, 5 May 1966).
Jesus Teaches us how to Pray
Jesus “does not say ‘I need this and that,’ but ‘I praise
you.’ The Father cannot be known unless we open ourselves to praise, unless
time is dedicated to him alone, unless we adore.” In personal contact, in
silence before the Lord, we can enter into communion with him, Pope Francis
Prayer can begin with a request, but needs to move to
praise, to adoration, to remaining with God in order to bring the world to him.
Pope Francis asks us who will entrust people to the Lord unless we do? This is
why Padre Pio founded the prayer groups to whom he said, “It is prayer, this
united strength of all good souls, that moves the world, that renews
consciences … that heals the sick, that sanctifies labor, that elevates health
care, that gives moral strength… that spreads the smile and blessing of God on
the fainthearted and the weak” (words from the Second International Congress of
the Prayer Groups, 5 May, 1966).
It is those who are little, whose hearts are humble, open,
poor and needy who feel the need to pray, Pope Francis says, moving on to the
second word. “The heart of these little ones is like an antenna that captures
God’s signal.” Referring to the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza (the
House for the Relief of Suffering), Padre Pio used to call it the “temple of
prayer and science,” Pope Francis says. He continued saying that “Jesus is
found in those who are sick. And the loving care of those who bend over the wounds
of their neighbor is the way of encountering him.”
The third word, wisdom, comes from the first reading taken
from Jeremiah 9,22: “Let not the wise boast of his wisdom, nor the strong boast
of his strength.” Pope Francis explains that “Charity animated by faith is the
only wise and invincible arm because it has the power of disarming the strength
of those who do evil.” Like Jesus, Padre Pio battled wisely against evil his
entire life—“humbly, obediently, with the cross, offering the pain out of
love.” Everyone knows this and admires Padre Pio for this, Pope Francis says,
but how many imitate him in this way? “Many people are ready to click ‘like’ on
the pages of the great saints, but who does what they do? Because the Christian
life is not an ‘I like,’ but an ‘I give.’ ”
Padre Pio decided to give himself to others especially as a
Confessor. It is in the Sacrament of Reconciliation that we “begin to live a
wise life … that is where the healing of the heart begins,” Pope Francis says.
And it is to this Sacrament that Padre Pio invites us to return today. “Where
are you going?” Padre Pio asks. “To Jesus or to your own sadness? Where are you
going back to? To him who saves you or to your own dejection, your own regrets,
your own sins? Come, the Lord is waiting for you. Take courage, there is no
reason, no matter how grave, that would exclude you from his mercy” (Padre Pio
quoted by Pope Francis).
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