some pasToraL perspecTives
accompanyinG The firsT years of married Life
217. It is important that
marriage be seen as a matter of love, that only those who freely
choose and love one another
may marry. When love is merely
physical attraction or a vague affection, spouses become particularly
vulnerable once this affection wanes or physical
attraction diminishes. Given
the frequency with which this happens, it is all the more essential that
couples be helped
247 Relatio Finalis 2015,
during the first years of their
married life to en- rich and deepen
their conscious and free decision to have, hold and love one
another for life. Of- ten the engagement period is not long enough, the
decision is precipitated for various reasons and, what is even more
problematic, the couple themselves are insufficiently mature. As a result, the
newly married couple need to complete a process that should have taken place during
their engagement.
218. Another great
challenge of marriage preparation is to help couples realize that mar- riage is
not something that happens once for all. Their
union is real and irrevocable, confirmed and consecrated
by the sacrament of matrimony. Yet in
joining their lives, the spouses assume
an active and creative role in a lifelong project. Their gaze now has to be directed to the future
that, with the help
of God’s grace, they are daily called to build. For this
very reason, neither spouse can expect the other to be perfect. Each must set
aside all illusions and accept the other as he or she actu- ally is: an
unfinished product, needing to grow, a
work in progress. A persistently
critical attitude towards one’s partner
is a sign that marriage was not
entered into as a project to be worked on
together, with patience, understanding, tolerance
and generosity. Slowly but surely, love
will then give way to
constant questioning and criticism, dwelling on each other’s good and bad points, issuing ultimatums and engaging in competition
and self-justification. The couple
then prove in- capable of helping
one another to build a mature
union. This fact needs to be realistically present- ed to newly married couples
from the outset, so that they can
grasp that the wedding is “just the beginning”. By saying “I do”, they embark
on a journey that requires them to overcome all obstacles standing in the way of their reaching the goal. The nuptial blessing that they receive is a grace and an incentive for this journey. They can only benefit from sitting down and talking
to one another about how, concretely, they plan to achieve their goal.
219. I recall an old
saying: still water becomes stagnant and good for nothing. If, in the first
years of marriage, a couple’s experience
of love grows stagnant, it loses the
very excitement that should be its propelling force. Young love needs to keep dancing towards
the future with immense
hope. Hope is the leaven that, in those first
years of engagement and marriage, makes it possible to look beyond
arguments, conflicts and prob- lems and to see things in a broader perspective.
It harnesses our uncertainties and concerns so that growth can take place. Hope
also bids us live fully in the
present, giving our all to the life of the family,
for the best way to prepare a
solid future is to live well in the present.
220. This process occurs
in various stages that call for generosity and sacrifice. The
first powerful feelings of attraction give way to the
realization that the other is now a part of my life.
The pleasure of belonging to one another leads to seeing life as a common
project, putting the other’s happiness
ahead of my own, and realizing
with joy that this marriage enriches society.
As love matures, it also
learns to “negotiate”. Far from anything
selfish or calculating, such nego- tiation is an exercise of mutual love, an interplay of give and take, for the good of the family. At each new stage of married life, there is a need to sit down and renegotiate agreements, so
that there will be no winners and losers, but rather two winners. In the home,
decisions cannot be made
unilaterally, since each spouse shares responsibility for the family; yet each
home is unique and each marriage will find an arrange- ment that works best.
221. Among the causes of
broken marriages are unduly high expectations about conjugal life. Once it becomes apparent
that the reality
is more limited and
challenging than one imagined, the solution is not to think quickly and
irresponsibly about separation, but to come to the sober real- ization that
married life is a process of growth, in which each spouse is God’s means of helping the other to mature.
Change, improvement, the flowering of the good qualities present in each person
– all these are possible. Each marriage is a kind of “salvation history”, which
from frag- ile beginnings – thanks to God’s gift
and a crea- tive and generous
response on our part – grows
over time into something precious and enduring. Might we say that the greatest
mission of two people in love is to help one another become,
re- spectively, more a man
and more a woman? Fos- tering growth
means helping a person to shape his or her own identity. Love is thus a kind of craftsmanship. When we read in
the Bible about the creation of man and woman, we see God first forming Adam
(cf. Gen 2:7); he realizes that
something essential is lacking and so he forms Eve and then hears the man
exclaim in amaze- ment, “Yes, this
one is just right for me!” We can almost hear the amazing dialogue that
must have taken place when the man and the woman first encountered
one another. In the life of married couples, even at difficult moments, one
person can always surprise
the other, and new doors can
open for their relationship, as if they were meet- ing for the first time. At
every new stage, they can keep “forming” one another. Love makes each wait for the other with the patience of a
craftsman, a patience which comes from God.
222. The pastoral care of
newly married cou- ples must also involve encouraging
them to be generous in bestowing life. “In accord with the personal and fully
human character of conjugal love, family
planning fittingly takes place as the result a consensual dialogue between the
spous- es, respect for times and
consideration of the dignity of the partner. In this sense, the teaching
of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae (cf. 1014) and
the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris
Consortio (cf. 14; 2835) ought to be taken up anew, in order to counter a mentality that
is often hostile to life... Decisions involving responsible parenthood pre-
supposes the formation of conscience, which is ‘the most secret core and
sanctuary of a person. There each one is alone with God, whose voice echoes in
the depths of the heart’ (Gaudium et Spes,
16). The more the couple tries to listen in conscience to God and his
commandments (cf. Rom 2:15), and is
accompanied spiritually, the more their decision will be profoundly free of
subjective caprice and accommodation to pre- vailing social mores”.248 The clear teaching of the Second Vatican
Council still holds: “[The couple] will make decisions by common coun-
sel and effort. Let them thoughtfully take into account both their own welfare
and that of their children, those already born and those which the future may bring. For this
accounting they need to reckon with both the material and the spiritual conditions of the times as well as of their state in
life. Finally, they should consult
the interests of the family group, of temporal society and of the Church
herself. The parents themselves and no one else should ultimately make this
judgment in the sight of God”.249 Moreover, “the use of methods based on the ‘laws of nature and
248 Ibid.,
249 second vaTican
ecumenicaL counciL, Pastoral
Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, 50.
incidence of fertility’ (Humanae Vitae, 11) are to be promoted,
since ‘these methods respect the bodies of the spouses, encourage tenderness
be- tween them and favour the education of an au- thentic freedom’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2370).
Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the fact that children are a wonderful
gift from God and a joy for parents and the Church. Through them, the Lord
renews the world”.250
Some resources
223. The Synod Fathers
observed that “the initial years of marriage are a vital and sensitive period during
which couples become more aware
of the challenges and meaning of married life. Consequently, pastoral accompaniment needs to go beyond the actual celebration of the
sacra- ment (Familiaris Consortio,
Part III). In this re- gard, experienced couples
have an important role to play.
The parish is a place where such expe- rienced couples can help younger
couples, with the eventual cooperation of associations, eccle- sial movements
and new communities. Young
couples need to be encouraged to be essentially open to the great gift of children. Emphasis should
also be given to the importance of family spirituality, prayer and
participation in the Sun- day Eucharist, and couples encouraged to meet
regularly to promote growth in their spiritual
250 Relatio Finalis 2015,
and solidarity in the concrete
demands of life. Liturgies, devotional practices and the Eucharist celebrated for families, especially on the wedding anniversary,
were mentioned as vital factors in fostering evangelization through the family”.251
224. This process takes
time. Love needs time and space;
everything else is secondary. Time is needed to talk things over, to embrace leisurely, to share plans, to
listen to one other and gaze in each other’s
eyes, to appreciate one another and to build a stronger relationship.
Sometimes the frenetic pace of our society and the pressures of the workplace
create problems. At other times, the problem is the lack of quality time
together, sharing the same room without one even notic- ing the other. Pastoral workers and groups of
married people should think of ways to help young or vulnerable couples to make
the most of those moments, to be present
to one another, even by sharing
moments of meaningful silence.
Couples who have learned how to do this well can share
some practical suggestions which they have found
useful: planning free time to- gether, moments of recreation with the children,
different ways of celebrating important events,
shared opportunities for spiritual growth. They can also provide
resources that help young mar- ried couples to make those moments meaningful
251 Relatio Synodi 2014,
and loving, and thus to improve
their commu- nication. This is extremely important for the stage when the novelty
of marriage has worn off. Once a couple no longer knows how to
spend time together, one or both of them will end up taking refuge in gadgets,
finding other commit- ments, seeking the embrace of another, or sim- ply
looking for ways to flee what has become an uncomfortable closeness.
226. Young
married couples should be encour- aged to develop a routine that
gives a healthy sense of closeness and stability through shared daily rituals.
These could include a morning kiss, an
evening blessing, waiting at the door to welcome each other home, taking trips
together and sharing household chores. Yet it also helps to break the routine
with a party, and to enjoy family
celebrations of anniversaries and special events.
We need these moments of
cherishing God’s gifts and renewing
our zest for life. As long as we can celebrate, we are able to rekindle our love, to free it from monotony and to colour our daily routine with hope.
227. We
pastors have
to encourage families to grow in faith. This means encouraging frequent
confession, spiritual direction and occasional re- treats. It also means
encouraging family prayer during the week, since “the family that prays to-
gether stays together”. When visiting our peo- ple’s homes, we should
gather all the members of the family and
briefly pray for one another,
placing the family in the Lord’s hands.
It is also helpful to encourage each of the spouses to find time for
prayer alone with God, since each has his or her secret crosses to bear. Why shouldn’t we tell God our
troubles and ask him to grant us the
healing and help we need to remain faith- ful? The Synod Fathers noted that
“the word of God is the source of
life and spirituality for the family. All
pastoral work on behalf of the fam-
ily must allow people to be interiorly fashioned and formed as members of the
domestic church through the Church’s prayerful
reading of sacred Scripture. The word of
God is not only good news in a person’s private
life but also a criterion of judgement and a light in discerning the vari- ous
challenges that married couples and families encounter”.252
228. In some cases, one of
the spouses is not baptized or does not want to practice the faith. This can
make the other’s desire to live and
grow in the Christian life difficult and at times pain- ful. Still, some
common values can be found and
these can be shared and relished. In any event, showing love for a spouse who is not a believer, bestowing happiness,
soothing hurts and sharing life together
represents a true path of sanctifi- cation. Love
is always a gift of God. Wherever it is poured out, it makes its
transforming pres- ence felt, often in mysterious ways, even to the
252 Ibid., 34.
point that
“the unbelieving
husband is consecrated through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is con- secrated through her husband” (1 Cor 7:14).
movements, schools and other Church
institutions can help in a variety of ways to support families and help them grow. These might include: meetings of
couples living in the same neighbourhood, brief retreats for couples; talks by experts on concrete issues
facing families, marriage
counselling, home missionaries who help couples discuss their difficulties and desires, social services dealing with
family problems like addiction, infidelity and domestic violence, pro- grammes
of spiritual growth, workshops for parents with troubled children and family
meet- ings. The parish office should be prepared to deal helpfully and
sensitively with family needs and be able to make referrals, when necessary,
to those who can help. There
is also the contri- bution made by groups of married couples that provide
assistance as part of their commitment to service, prayer,
formation and mutual
support. Such groups enable couples to be generous, to assist other
families and to share the faith; at the same time they strengthen marriages and
help them to grow.
230. It is true that many couples,
once married, drop out of the
Christian community. Often, however, we ourselves do not take
advantage of those occasions when they do return, to remind them of the
beautiful ideal of Christian marriage
and the support that our parishes
can offer them. I think, for example, of the
Baptism and First Holy Communion of their children, or the fu- nerals or
weddings of their relatives or friends. Almost all married couples reappear on
these occasions, and we should take greater advantage of this. Another way of growing closer is by blessing homes or by bringing a
pilgrim image of Our Lady to houses in
the neighbourhood; this provides an opportunity for a pastoral con- versation
about the family’s situation. It
could also be helpful to ask older married couples to help younger couples in
the neighbourhood by visiting them and offering guidance in the early years of
marriage. Given the pace of life today, most
couples cannot attend frequent meetings; still, we cannot restrict our pastoral
outreach to small and select groups. Nowadays,
pastoral care for families has to be fundamentally missionary, going out
to where people are. We can no
longer be like a factory, churning
out courses that for the most part are poorly
casTinG LiGhT on
crises, Worries and
231. A word should also be
said about those whose love, like a
fine wine, has come into its own. Just as a good wine begins to “breathe” with
time, so too the daily experience of fidelity gives married life richness and
“body”. Fidelity has to do with patience and expectation. Its joys and sacrifices bear fruit as the years
go by and the couple rejoices to see their children’s
The love present from the beginning becomes more conscious, settled and mature
as the couple discover each other anew day after day, year after
year. Saint John of the Cross tells us that “old lovers are tried and true”.
They “are outwardly no longer afire with powerful emotions and im- pulses, but
now taste the sweetness of the wine of love,
well-aged and stored deep within their hearts”.253 Such couples have successfully
over- come crises and hardships
without fleeing from challenges or concealing
The challenge of crises
232. The life of
every family is
marked by all kinds of crises,
yet these are also part of its dramatic beauty. Couples should be helped to realize that surmounting a crisis need not weaken their relationship; instead, it
can improve, settle and mature the wine of
their union. Life together should
not diminish but increase their content- ment; every new step along the way can help couples find new ways to
happiness. Each cri- sis becomes an apprenticeship in growing closer together
or learning a little more about what it means to be married. There is no need
for cou- ples to resign themselves to an inevitable down- ward spiral or a
tolerable mediocrity. On the contrary, when marriage is seen as a challenge
that involves overcoming obstacles, each
253 Cántico Espiritual B,
XXV, 11.
becomes an opportunity to let the
wine of their relationship age and improve. Couples will gain from receiving help in facing
crises, meeting chal- lenges and acknowledging them as
part of fam- ily life. Experienced and trained couples should be open to offering
guidance, so the couples will not
be unnerved by these crises or tempted to hasty decisions. Each crisis has a
lesson to teach us; we need to learn how to listen for it with the ear of the heart.
233. Faced with a crisis,
we tend first to react defensively, since
we feel that we are losing con- trol, or are somehow at fault, and this makes
us uneasy. We resort to denying
the problem, hid- ing or downplaying it, and hoping that it will go away. But this does not help; it only makes things worse,
wastes energy and delays a solution. Cou- ples grow apart and lose their
ability to com- municate. When problems are not dealt with, communication is
the first thing to go. Little by little, the “the person I love” slowly
becomes “my mate”, then just “the father or mother of my children”, and finally
a stranger.
234. Crises need to be
faced together. This is hard, since persons
sometimes withdraw in order
to avoid saying what they feel; they
retreat into a craven silence. At these
times, it becomes all the more important to create opportunities for speaking
heart to heart. Unless a couple learns
to do this, they will find it harder and harder as time passes. Communication
is an art learned
in moments of peace in order to be
practised in moments of difficulty. Spouses need help in dis- covering their
deepest thoughts and feelings and expressing them. Like childbirth, this is a
painful process that brings forth a new treasure. The answers given to the
pre-synodal consultation showed that most people in difficult or critical
situations do not seek pastoral assistance, since they do not find it
sympathetic, realistic or con- cerned for individual cases. This should spur us
to try to approach marriage crises with greater sensitivity to their burden of
hurt and anxiety.
235. Some crises are
typical of almost every marriage. Newly married couples need to learn how to
accept their differences and to disengage from their parents. The arrival of a
child pre- sents new emotional challenges. Raising small children necessitates
a change of lifestyle, while the onset of adolescence causes strain, frus-
tration and even tension between parents. An “empty nest” obliges a couple to
redefine their relationship, while the need to care for aging par- ents involves making difficult
decisions in their regard. All these are demanding situations that can cause apprehension, feelings
of guilt, depres- sion and fatigue, with serious
repercussions on a marriage.
236. Then there are those
personal crises that affect the life of couples, often involving financ- es, problems in the workplace, emotional,
social and spiritual difficulties.
Unexpected situations
present themselves, disrupting
family life and re- quiring a process of forgiveness and reconcilia- tion. In
resolving sincerely to forgive the other, each has to ask quietly and humbly if
he or she has not somehow created the conditions that led to the other’s mistakes.
Some families break up when spouses engage in mutual recrimination, but
“experience shows that with proper assis- tance and acts of reconciliation,
through grace, a great percentage of
troubled marriages find a solution in a satisfying manner. To know how
to forgive and to feel forgiven is a basic experi- ence in family life”.254 “The arduous art of rec- onciliation, which
requires the support of grace, needs the generous cooperation of relatives and
friends, and sometimes even outside help and professional assistance”.255
It is becoming more and more common to think that, when one or both partners
no longer feel fulfilled, or things have not
turned out the way they wanted,
sufficient reason exists to end the marriage. Were
this the case, no marriage would last. At times, all it takes to decide
that everything is over is a single
instance of dissat- isfaction, the absence of the other when he or she was most needed,
wounded pride, or a vague fear.
Inevitably, situations will arise involving hu- man weakness and these
can prove emotionally
overwhelming. One spouse may not
feel fully
254 Relatio
Synodi 2014, 44.
255 Relatio
Finalis 2015, 81.
appreciated, or may be attracted
to another person. Jealousy and tensions may emerge,
or new inter- ests that consume the other’s time
and attention. Physical changes naturally occur in everyone. These, and so many
other things, rather than threatening love,
are so many occasions for re- viving and renewing it.
238. In such situations,
some have the maturity needed
to reaffirm their choice of the other as their
partner on life’s journey, despite the limitations of the
relationship. They realistically accept that the other cannot fulfil all their
cherished dreams. Persons like this avoid thinking of themselves as martyrs;
they make the most of whatever possi- bilities family life gives them and they work pa- tiently at strengthening the
marriage bond. They realize, after all, that every crisis can be a new “yes”,
enabling love to be renewed,
deepened and inwardly strengthened. When crises come, they are unafraid to get
to the root of it, to re- negotiate basic terms, to achieve a new equilib- rium
and to move forward together. With
this kind of constant openness they are able to face any number of difficult
situations. In any event, while realizing that reconciliation is a possibility, we also see that “what is
urgently needed today is a ministry to care for those whose marital rela- tionship has broken down”.256
256 Ibid., 78.
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